9 thoughts on “Hot Springs with Mike

  1. Hello,

    We are a burgeoning company in NC wishing to invest in some advertising, albeit, small budget at the moment. I would like to know what kind of advertising/exposure opportunities you may have for a growing company like ours.

    Best Regards

  2. Dave,
    Nothing like it to play in speedos,in hot pools all those bulges,
    with the lyrca expanding.Keep it up
    ps Hammer springs is great,been there many times myself.

  3. Hi all,
    Just thought id leave this interesting post., Its amazing that ive noticed since the company that dumped daves line of absolutely awesome white speedos have now since decided to make their own of the same variety, though not as see through.., just thought it was an interesting coincidence….. as i remember it wasnt that long ago since they decided to dump your line of whites, now they have their own….

  4. Sethan,

    Thanks for pointing that out mate. I’ll write a post and tell you guys about what I’ve done since that guy fucked me over.


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