Anyone for a handjob?
I love a good handjob. Some of the girls I’ve been with have tried but nothing beats (hehe) a guy giving a handjob. I suppose it makes sense since we give ourselves handjobs ALL the time…. well I give myself a handjob every 6hrs or so.
I found these pics on a blog – I’m not sure of the name of it but the guy who writes it posts on I really enjoyed these pics and I’ve got a feeling that when Will gets home from work I’m going to lube up his cock and stroke it. I love using 2 hands (one to stroke and one to play with Will’s balls and arse) – any other tips guys?
caught up with friend i had’nt seen for a while went around to his place to see him . he was in his pool at the time i got there so being a hot day i got in we started talking about what we had been doing over the years just casual talk . then he decided to get out well what i saw i got hard nice tone body and wearing speedo’s. i was wearing apair of white board shorts with no lining as i cut it out as it annoys me so there’s me and i’ve got the biggest hard on i’ve had for ages. how in the fuck was i going to get out with out him noticing my hard on.lucky the phone rang and he went to answer it so i got out quick.he came back out with a towel around himand sat down .i was still dring myself and he must of notice my hard on.he asked joking about getting any sex .cut the story short he grabed me by the cock shocked me at first but i let him go i droped my shorts so he could get a better grip which he did he started slowly and got faster fuckit felt good it did’nt take long to blow it felt like ages fuck it was the best hanjob i’ve had then thefucken doorbell rang his brother had to decided to visit and a swim while he was at the door i got shorts back on quick.i decided to leave them to it i was still fucking hard when i left. going to catch up with him at a nother day hope to get tosee his cock then
Wow – that is hot mate. It is 8pm here and I’m waiting for Will to get home from work….
I’m hard just from reading your story – I hope I can hold off until Will gets home.
Some of my best handjob techniques I learned from Joseph Kramer’s videos, Fire on the Mountain and Evolutionary Masturbation. (This is gay tantra/sacred sex pretty much, but even if you’re not into the spirituality angle, there are some good tips for getting your guy off! And they work–I’ve tried them!) Check them out at
You can get them through Amazon and elsewhere, but you’re getting them directly from the producer/creator of them through this link, and I think their work deserves to be supported!
(And I know Joseph Kramer personally–cool guy! He is pretty much THE gay sacred sex guru!)
Oh My!
Sounds like fun!
please would do it to me as wish be wank off anytime
My boys n me have been friends a long time growing up 2gether, on teams at skewl 2gether, n just hangin’ 2gether (about 4-7of us) so ‘course we seen each guys cocks n bods, bein’ in tha showers, sleepovers, etc., well one nite bout 5 of us stayin at my house downstairs in my room kinda partyin’ a lit’l, I says i’m horny n my friend Tony says yea, me too i need to jerk off n the guys are laughin a lit’l but lookin at each other… long story short, ended up butt ass naked, all of us, takin’ turns jerkin n suckin in one big pile… nothin feels better than your buds hands on ur bone n gettin u offf!! Now, noone’s shy ’bout wantin to do it again! (…and again and again…)
I love that men and I would like suck that men in all surfaces.-