I found some more pics of the guy in the header. He is gorgeous and I love the Turbo speedo he is wearing. You guys know I bought that same speedo but I don’t look as good as he does in mine. Saying that though, mine fit pretty similar, just a little bit too small. They look and feel great when they are low on my hips but don’t allow too much room for my junk.
I still haven’t worn this speedo to the pool. I might have to make an effort to get it out.
And here are some pics of him that I’ve posted before.
i suck this cock and i kiss this asshole
Damn. I could stare at these for hours. I wonder what kind of work he does to maintain that perfect body. That lean, toned swimmer build is totally my achille’s heel. I’m healthy, fit, and look decent in a speedo, but I doubt I could ever look like that!
I agree with you how much a hardon this guy gives me.
There isn’t an ounce of fat on him yet he is still muscular in the shoulders which is just gorgeous!!!
He looks Russian to me–know anything about him at all, Dave? He is cute, too…especially in this first photo, where it looks like those Turbos could fall off if he takes his hands off his hips too quickly.
Great looking guy. Picture 2 is perfect. He wears Speedos about as low as you can, right on the mound of his cock. I would love to see a rear view. Would love to see the top of his bum crack peeping out. Dave, when people say they prefer to see photos of guys wearing small Speedos, these photos are what they mean. More please.