Well guys I’m pretty sure that I’m going to head back to Sydney’s northern beaches for summer. I’m looking at some rental properties and as soon as I have that finalised I’ll fix my date to head over. I’ve been talking to some mates over there and the water is warming up and I’m getting excited.
Since my speedo clad butt hasn’t seen the sun in 6 months I was wondering if any of you guys have ever used a fake tanning product?
I love speedo tan lines don’t you?
Nope! Don’t trust them (fake tanners)! Seen too many orange people on local news stations (I like to call them Oompa-Loompas).
I do UV twice a year and always wear my speedo^^
Never used fake tanning products…
I tend to burn pretty easily, though, and the only time I ever had a speedo tan was that one really warm summer in Ireland, where I would go out for ten minutes a side every day for several weeks. I never ended up looking particularly tan as a result overall, but it made enough of a difference that I did have the proper speedo tan by the end of it, and it was awesome.
Hey would love a link swap with you, my blog is http://007gayboys.com. Which blog should I add, aussiegayguy or aussiespeedoguy? let me know
anyone want to trade speedos or tan line pis?