I’ve always loved the ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ section on my site SwimmerBoyz.com. When I redesigned the site a few years ago it was on the top of the list of things that I wanted included in the site and it has turned out really popular.
Now I’m thinking I’d love to take it to some of the new mediums. Kip and I have been working a little bit on an Android App for a photo of the day (we’d do Apple as well but Apple Apps need to be approved and guys in speedos is far too ‘naughty’ for Apple unfortunately).
Last week I started a Facebook page for ‘Speedo Photo of the Day’ which has taken off a lot quicker than I expected, as of this morning there are just shy of 2,000 likes. This has definitely given Kip and I a boost and we’ll start working harder on the mobile app.
To find the Facebook page just search “Speedo Photo of the Day” and of course, you can see all the Speedo Photos of the Day over at my site SwimmerBoyz.com. Today is picture 577.
The Android app would be great!
actually apple would be fine provided there was no nudity not the app itself anywhere.
it all just depends on how you do the app, I build apps for a living and don;t think a speed of the day app would be rejected unless it had nudity
after all apps like Grindr etc get through….
Thanks for the comment mate. Interesting to hear as I’m trying as hard as I can to stay within the rules on FaceBooks non-nudity rules so I’m sure I could do that for an Apple app.
Feel free to drop me an email (DaveEvans@SwimmerBoyz.com).