6 thoughts on “Speedo Photo of the Day

  1. Dave, isn’t the guy in the second pic wearing the speedos you wanted to find? Did you ever find them? I spent an hour looking because I really wanted to join swimmerboyz, but gave up.

  2. Kai,

    I couldn’t find them mate – someone told me who made them (I think it was H&M) but they aren’t making them now.

    I really like them though.


  3. It is h&M, and I have a pair – Dave it’s yours if you come to NYC first to try it on

  4. Jay,

    I hope to get out to the East Coast this summer some time (I’ve never been out there) – I’ll keep you posted. Those speedos are great!!!

    Thanks for sharing Jay.


  5. Dave, You keep wearing the Speedos at the pool. It will take time but others will join.

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