I found this first speedo photo (the guy in the dark blue speedo) today and I just had to post it. Do you see what I see?
Who guessed ‘cock pointing down’?
I’m not sure how he can make his package do that? And it looks like he has an audience which makes this speedo photo even hotter if you ask me.
I’ve tried putting my speedo package facing down but perhaps my cock isn’t big enough for the job.
I’d be keen to hear of anyone else who can get their package to look like that photo!!!
Up and down all the way for me boys.
It’s partially a size issue; but also, he’s definitely got a bit of a “semi-” action going on–unless he’s just a “show-er” and not a “grow-er” like most guys (myself included, and I’m assuming you as well) happen to be. My ex from last year (who I’ve been broken up with for just about a year now) was not only quite above average in size, but he was also a shower, so his cock stayed nearly the same size in both length and width all the time, and when he got hard, the only difference was that it was, well, “hard”! The guy you’ve posted the photo of here can obviously bend it a bit–if he had a true stiffy, there’d be tent-pole action, and that’s obviously not the case.
Not that I’ve studied this phenomenon or anything…oh no, not at all!
A fine display indeed — in the words of top Oz TV artist Rolf Harris, “Can you see what it is yet?”
Dr. Phil,
You definitely have studied the topic at ‘hand’.
Perhaps an idea for your 2nd thesis.
Wait, they don’t normally point down? (I’m serious. I just bought a packing cock, and I’m figuring out how I’m supposed to wear the damn thing!)
I leave my pointing down and I am by no means huge, just average. I think it looks kinda funny when it is pointing up, like you have a hard on and a small dick.
“Inside, Outside, Upside Down”
I like em all ways, always. Guess its just cocks I like, though I’m sure there must be one or a few I don’t like. Just have not seen em yet!
Nice addition to the gallery, Dave. I approve. I have to agree with Matt, too – I mean, who doesn’t like a nice cock?
Wendy–it’s an interesting phenomenon, which way to point it…
I notice that most underwear and swimwear models do the down thing; and likewise, most package-enhancing products (with the exception of those from Balls-in-One and perhaps one or two others…and, apparently, the traditional Japanese fundoshi asks that one point up as well) also necessitate the downward-pointing cock.
However, I’m one of those rare individuals who finds that if I do the downward pointing cock on most underwear or speedos, it has the effect of making any bulge that I have disappear entirely. If I point it up, however, which feels more natural to me (and always has), I do get some bulge action. Hmm. Individual human bodies are strange in their variations, so go with what you like the best.
And, of course, the photo Dave has in his “About Me” box up above is the total hotness as well–there’s no way but sideways when boner time hits! (Even for someone as average as me, I’d be sticking out the top of most swimwear I own if I remained pointing up, and pointing down would be impossible, or at least painful and possibly damaging…!)
I usually point down, myself… it’s a comfort thing for me. About the speedo photos… they’re hot. Have a nice day Dave
My roommate’s points down like that all of the time. I believe Dr. Phil is right, it is the ‘shower’ vs ‘grower’ thing.
By the way, he usually wears extremely loose boxers – that makes his ‘shower’ cause a perma-tent which is WAY hotter than hard-on tents.
Shower & Grower? I think its time to commission an official study based on, what, maybe 10,000 samples. Line up, boys. I will survey the specimens and report results. Detailed, extensive and exhaustive measurements ill be take in all phases of showing and growing. Watch here for results!
p.s. sorry for the bad typing!
Hey, i posted that photo on the whitespeedos forum!

Its not of me, but Its pretty damn good, sure gets me goin. Hit me up if u wanna talk on msn or are on the central coast
Yes Dave great pic love the look of a semi facing down south in speedos i have no trouble with my semi down south in cossies.