3 thoughts on “Speedo Guys at the Pool

  1. Dave — sounds really promising — it would be great to see Natalie’s eyes light up and her radiant smile as she realises that she’s hit the jackpot for being pleasured by guys without all the hassle of having to enter into a sort of engagement…

    Thanks for another great year of the internet’s most raunchy but believable male sex blog, and good luck to you on all fronts.

  2. Is this an Arena day or something? Loads of those in this post…

    And, you know, photo #4 is doing something for me quite unexpected…That guy is not the hottest or cutest I’ve ever seen, by any means, but somehow he’s just a feast for the eyes (and possibly more!)…

    Good luck with Natalie, Dave! I hope it works out for you, and you have many enjoyable romps together!

    And also, thank you for another year of wonderful blogging! (I’ll probably not be able to read your blog for a week or so, because I’m about to move to Michigan on Saturday, and need to pack up the computer soon…No laptop, alas…) I look forward to reading more of your adventures in 2010!

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