3 thoughts on “Speedo Friendly Places

  1. Sadly, I suspect not…the U.S. will never be the same as Brazil in many things, other than perhaps pube-shaving. 😉

    I’m surprised that Sweden made the list: sure, they’re liberal and comfortable with bodies and such there, but it’s so cold and dark for most of the year, it seems like there might only be three or four days the whole year to go to the beach at all…!?!

  2. Thanks for the feedback Dr. Phil – I thought this topic would have gotten a bit more feedback.

    As I said, I’m really surprised that Australia was that high.


  3. I am not surprised with the result for France; in French public swimming pools, swimming bermudas are strictly forbidden for hygienic reasons, and the swimming pool shops are selling speedos that we call “moule-bite”, that you can translate literary by “molding dick”. However, you are not obliged to buy the smallest ones.

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