6 thoughts on “Speedo Fans from 166 Countries

  1. This is not boring at all, at least to me! I have always wondered how many people enjoy speedos–given that almost everyone I know personally (including gay men, bisexual men, women who like guys, etc.) all seem to loathe speedos and even the sheer idea of them is embarrassing to them. (Lame!)

    The viewing statistics also seem to indicate what I’ve thought for a very long time: if the whole “gay” thing is a cultural and “nurture” thing rather than a “nature” thing that is just part of life for those who are, then why does it appear in cultures that have the death penalty and such for it? So, if you’ve got people from countries/cultures that have such a position, and yet they visit anyway…well, then it shows what their own priorities are, and what they’re willing to risk for something that will bring them pleasure. And I’m all for that–they need whatever pleasure they can get under those circumstances. So, think of it, Dave: you’re doing them and the world a service by providing your website! 🙂

  2. Dr. Phil,

    I spend a lot of time looking at site stats and marketing stats but mostly it is into traffic flows, click through rates and not actually the who or the where.

    The diversity in those stats that I put up in the post are fantastic in my mind.


  3. I’m disappointed to see that no-one from Greenland, apparently, accesses your website, Dave!’

    Are Greenlanders unecessarily picky? Are they spoilt for choice? Or is it just that Greenland is too darn cold for speedos during most of the year?

    I’m sure there’s a logical answer to this mystery but I’m fighting to work it out . . . !

  4. Dave I thought the visitor stats were very interesting, I’m one of your Aussie regulars BTW. I have also suggested your site to a number of speedo fans I’ve met on line. One was already aware but the others were gonna look you up. keep up the good work its appreciated!!

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