7 thoughts on “Speedo Body

  1. Hey Dave,

    Sounds like every other internet plan – but I tried this guy’s stuff. He has a muscle building and fat loss program. Both worked for me. I cut 7% body fat in 12 weeks following the fat loss and actually gained almost 10 pounds of muscle doing the muscle building for 12 weeks.

    Anyway – YMMV, but here is the link to the fat loss plan if you are interested.



  2. Sean,

    Thanks for that mate – I’ll have a read.

    I’m more interested in loosing weight than toning up. I’ve never pumped iron in my life – I’ve always just run or swam but I’m keen for ideas.


  3. Actually, Dave, I’ve been thinking the same thing: when do we Yanks get to see you in your Speedos?

    And, as far as tips are concerned to lost a couple of kilos … have you tried sex? Lots of sex? Lots of unbridled, passionate, get-on-your-mate-and-go-for-broke sex? (It’s what I do.)

  4. Hey Dave,

    I hear ya about the weights and fat loss. I had similar ideas. But his reasoning is quite cool. Muscle burns fat. The routines are meant to maintain muscle (not build) so that while you are losing the kilos it’s actually fat and not a mixture of fat and muscle.

    If you want to email me, I’ll share with you some of my before/after results and pictures and tell you.

    Though I do think the sex idea will be more fun.



  5. You still don’t know a SPEEDO from a Nike.
    Speedo is not a generic name, it is a brand name.
    Get your Aussie facts correct or go back to where they have sex with sheep.

  6. Bernie,

    Do you work for the Speedo Corporation?

    The word speedo has become a generic name for brief swimwear. I just got back from the pool and a guy commented that it was good to see people swimming in speedos. I was wearing my AussieBum Portsea’s but I knew what he was saying.

    I think the technical term is Genericized Trademarks – some others that come to hand include: Kleenex, Rollerblade, Dry Ice, Band-Aid, Biro, Escalator and Aspirin.

    Perhaps your speedo is a little too tight Bernie. Loosen it up and chill out mate.


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