6 thoughts on “Spear Fishing

  1. No, don’t say the water’s getting cold! I arrive in Brisbane in 3 weeks! I need to get some speedo time in on the Sunshine/Gold coasts.

  2. Kevin,

    Brissy beaches is where I grew up and I was in speedos year round up there.

    The water up that way is much warmer than it is here.

    Enjoy your trip up there mate.


  3. Haha, no I know. I lived there during the winter months two years ago with my bf and was able to go to the beach or Southbank fairly often. Obviously Southbank is a no-go, what with the flooding (was there in late Feb), but I hope to get to the coast at least a few times while I’m there.

    It also helps that I’m coming from perpetually-rainy and cool Vancouver, so anything will feel balmy to me.

  4. Aw! I was hoping to hear of your adventures in spear fishing in speedos…To be honest, when you said spear fishing yesterday I wondered if that wasn’t a euphemism for something! 😉

    And, the guy above is very nice indeed…He can spear me any day!

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