I have emerged from my bed after a HUGE Saturday night.
Over the holidays I have been pretty well behaved. With Kip’s friends and family in town I’ve been the designed driver a bunch and with it being busy we haven’t been out much either.
That all changed on Saturday night. I was behaving myself, working and having a few quiet ones and then Kip got a call from mates who were in town and we headed out. I think we left the house at about 11pm, we got back to the house for hottub around 3am (bars close around 2am I think so I’m not sure what we did for an hour).
Everyone was just having a good time and Kip and I finally made it to bed about 6am!!! Kip’s mates had their own accommodation so we didn’t have any guests which was probably a good thing as Kip and I had some very drunk and very sloppy sex.
It wasn’t a pretty sight when we woke up around midday. The house was a mess, Kip and I were a mess and it felt like I had been kicked in the head. I showered and then went back to bed. I finally emerged after sunset and ordered some Fatties Pizza and Kip and I watched a couple of movies with full bellies and my head started to feel kind of normal.
Slept in this morning but we are going to go out for a snowboard and start the week afresh.
If I don’t drink another Margarita before I leave I won’t be upset.
I do love drunken sloppy sex though. With guys or girls I find people aren’t as worried about things and loose some inhibitions. AND, I last a lot longer which is always a good thing right? My arse might have recovered by tomorrow but until then Kip isn’t allowed near it – hahaha.
I saw the traffic on TV. it was really crowded up there with skiiers. Will go up during the week when
it is less crowded! This sloopy sex seems like every nite at your house. I think wearing DE swimwear also promotes VPL.
Beer Doc,
I heard I70 was a nightmare all weekend.
Kip and I got out this afternoon after lunch for a few hours and it was much much better and not many people about. I don’t think we shared a chairlift all afternoon.
Off to watch the BCS game at the Gold Pan.