4 thoughts on “Slack or just busy

  1. I know it’s odd for me to say something like this, but no, I don’t have any Stars & Stripes/Red, White, & Blue speedos. I don’t know how I feel about wearing flags as any kind of clothing…or, at least the American flag, since it’s a bit gaudy. Certain other flags might be better–Brazil, for example.

  2. i think they look very patriotic. with the flag on their staffs. I did drive by A-Basin last week and there was alot of snow for skiing up there. And saw there on TV there was people skiing with flag speedos!

  3. The American Flag is an evovled symbol.It has multiple meanings with its design. The 13 alternating stripes to its 50 stars and the field of blue. Guady is a strong statement. It does show that US Americans will put it on anything though. Looks good on the guys especially since the speedo is not favored here as much as the rest of the world.

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