I’m back feeling 100% now guys – cold was a pain in the butt and I was talking to a friend who said 25% of staff were away sick last Monday (maybe Mondayitis but that is a lot of people).
I don’t know about you guys but I definitely jack off a lot less when I’m not feeling well (unless I’m hungover and then I jack off just about constantly).
Well, after a few days off I am back at the plate – yesterday afternoon I was just working and was soooo hard I had to go lie on my bed and I shot myself in the chin!!!
Today I heard on the TV something about 3 orgasms a week decrease the risk of a while bunch of stuff – I think my weekly average would be over 9. Maybe next month I’ll keep a track of it. I don’t think I’ve gone more than 3 or 4 days since I first discovered jacking off without doing it.
How about you guys?
Well, in that case, I should be safe–I have 10-20 orgasms a week on average, I’d say! (Though not ejaculations…)
Is that last photo you? It’s HOT!!!
Great pics, this is the first time for a few days that the guy in the third pic has cum, what a thick creamy load. I should be safe from whatever it is you are referring to as I guess I cum over 20 times a week. My day starts with jacking off in bed or in the shower if I am later, mid day I sometimes go from work to the pool in the hope of meeting up with a guy I saw there a few months back who sported a nine incher, if it quiet in the showers I jack off there, have number three when I get home and four when I get to bed, cum is not so thick then! At weekends if Will is about and stays over, may manage five, one or two of those will be shooting my cum up Will’s arse.