Here is an email I got today.
My name is Lindsay, I’ve spoken to you on MSN before and via email a couple of times. I’m a long time member of your site and an avid reader of your blog (I check it daily).
I hope you aren’t weirded out by this email but I have a proposal for you.
By boyfriend Justin and I are traveling to Mexico later this month for our ˜mid-winter’ vacation. A mutual friend of ours, Antonio, is coming as well and Antonio doesn’t have any company.
Antonio is a great guy and Justin and I love him to bits. But he is a bit of a party animal and doesn’t have any luck at all in love. And the guys he does hang around with are similar and don’t get along with Justin and I.
What I was wondering is, would you like to come to Mexico with the three of us as Antonio’s date?
Justin and I would love to meet you in person and Antonio, after reading your blog, would be delighted as well. You seem to be a well rounded person and having two couples on vacation would be much more pleasant than a third wheel (yes Justin and I are in a monogamous relationship as I know that is what you were thinking Dave).
Please have a think about this Dave the resort we are going to is all exclusive just south of the Playa Riviera (you were just north of there last year) and everything is paid for and the three of us would like to pay your flights and something for your time of course.
Last time I did this was back in March when I went to Fiji with Patrick and I had a ball of a time so I’m pretty keen to try it again.I’d love to hear what you guys think? Or perhaps if any of you guys want to meet up at the same resort, Antonio sounds like fun.
Go on trip: fine.
Take money for it: prostitution.
Love it. GO on the trip.
I wish it was me. I would like to go, but no money!
Oh Don, stop being so conservative. I hardly think an agreement between people that know each other as prostitution. Dave is hardly going to set up shop and sell his ‘services’, well, he might, then that WOULD be prostitution.
Who’s to say that they are going to definitely have sex, he could go on the trip and find out that he and Antonio don’t click, however, they might really hit it off, who knows? No-one is going to know if he doesn’t take the chance / opportunity and go. Who knows? Antonio could be another ‘Will’
Dave, you can’t live your life on ‘could have beens’ and ‘maybe’s’, do you want to be 90 and look back on this as a missed opportunity?
I say go, have a blast, be safe, and don’t forget to take photos
Don, sorry to say, but your reply sounds like a VISA card ad:
Set up a website with hot boys: $1000,
Wages to surf the net and look for porn: $500,
Boink hot guys regularly: FREE,
Do all this, and get offers to travel the world for free, while other smucks go to work every day: PRICELESS
I think you should go on the trip if you feel like it. Now, about the money issue,
I agree with Paul, and plus, it’s not that you asked to be payed, the offered and in
addition it’s not like you don’t need the money…
Paul and Don,
Thanks for your comments guys – I love a bit of good spirited banter and conflicting ideas.
I definitely don’t want to be a prostitute and being ‘paid’ for the trip (as happened in Fiji) is something that I’m always concerned about. I suppose it is the ‘expections’ one someone when they are being paid which concerns me – thankfully I’m man enuf that if something turns custard or I’m asked to do something I don’t want to do I’ll give the money back and walk away – doesn’t get around it being awkward.
I think at this stage I will take it but I’ve got a couple of days to make up my mind.
Thanks again for the comments guys.
Go for it! I’m sure you’ll have a great time and how flattering is it that you have this request for your company?
Well Dave – I would take the trip only if it does not interrupt with what you are doing now in Canada. If it is after the ski season go but make it clear you dont want to be ‘paid’ and dont want to be ‘obligated’ to be Antonio’s fuck buddy – if you 2 click then that is great but to be forced by obligation – yuck. Make it all clear now before you go and then all 4 of you will have a ball !
Dave, I think you should go for it and have a great time. You will have fun wearing your speedos in Mexico and I am sure you will have a ball. Your fun personality will make this a great trip for you, sun and speedos.. sound great. have fun, be safe.. Steve
These boys drive me nuts so smooth and slender you know they have to be horny ass hell!
What’s next Dave? Blow jobs for a quarter in an alley. Grow up.
Dear Dave!
If you take the trip I hope you have a good time. I’d love to meet you too
someday. But I think I would show you around my home town. There would be no
pressure or expectation of sex. I just think you are a pretty cool dude who shares
many sexual fantasies I have. Take care!
Troy – I given my share of blowjobs in the alley for free – hehehe.