4 thoughts on “Server Failure

  1. hey mate
    how’d you go? I got off on a similar charge about 1.5 yrs ago with a section 21… basically, a golden ticket! didnt lose my license or have anything recorded on my record, i just have to not be pulled up for the next 3 yrs (well, 1.5 yrs left now!) and then i’m all clear!!
    where are you living nowadays?

  2. Hi Dave,

    Please respond to my emails. I not only got half of a 3 day trial, but due to the crashed server, I was not able to cancel my membership before getting charged the extra $30.00.

  3. Hello Dave,

    Sounds very strange. A hard disk should run several years without any problems. Probably there is something wrong in your servers, which causes the drives to fail prematurely: high temperature, or too much vibration, for example.


  4. Reese – just got your email this morning and have replied to it.

    Fred – all the servers are stored in state of the art server rooms, cooled to 10C, power backups etc. Seems like we’ve just had a bad run.

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