Hey guys – Friday afternoon I was pumped. I had done a bunch of work, had a nice social weekend lined up and I went for a 2hr walk along the beach.
I got back at about 5pm and BOOM – the shit had hit the fan!!!
At first Kip (my server admin) and I didn’t know what it was, we thought maybe a member had published their password but either way one of my servers had crashed. So instead of going for dinner with friends on Friday night I worked until 2am.
Turns out one of my servers had a hard drive failure. I just researched it and a hard drive has a .88% change of failure in a single year – this year thus far I’ve had 4 hard drive failures – must be all the speedo movies you guys are watching!!!
Things are all back online now after a pretty darn busy weekend. If any members of SwimmerBoyz.com or SpeedosNextDoor.com were effected – please contact me (DaveEvans@SwimmerBoyz.com or Webmaster@SpeedoMoviesPage.com) and I will make sure you get your money’s worth.
Sorry for any hassles and I’ll make it up to anyone who feels out of pocket.
Tomorrow I’m off to court to deal with my DUI or whatever we call it in Australia now. I’ve got a few projects and travel plans in the works but I didn’t want to confirm anything until I got this out of the road (I didn’t run or crash or anything – was pulled over by a booze bus a month or so ago). Tough weekend, tough Monday tomorrow but hopefully I’ll be in a much happier place this time next week.
hey mate
how’d you go? I got off on a similar charge about 1.5 yrs ago with a section 21… basically, a golden ticket! didnt lose my license or have anything recorded on my record, i just have to not be pulled up for the next 3 yrs (well, 1.5 yrs left now!) and then i’m all clear!!
where are you living nowadays?
Hi Dave,
Please respond to my emails. I not only got half of a 3 day trial, but due to the crashed server, I was not able to cancel my membership before getting charged the extra $30.00.
Hello Dave,
Sounds very strange. A hard disk should run several years without any problems. Probably there is something wrong in your servers, which causes the drives to fail prematurely: high temperature, or too much vibration, for example.
Reese – just got your email this morning and have replied to it.
Fred – all the servers are stored in state of the art server rooms, cooled to 10C, power backups etc. Seems like we’ve just had a bad run.