Merry Christmast everybody!!!!!
I hope you are having a wonderful holidays season whether you are in the warm weather on the beach or in the cold that seems to be hammering North America and the UK.
Being Xmas I thought I’d post some pics from this years ‘Santa Speedo Run’ – I think these are from the Philly run but I’m told there is a Boston run as well. If anyone who reads this blog participated in the Santa Speedo Run I’d love for you to leave a comment (you can comment anonymously.
It looks like a hell of a lot of fun with lots of good looking guys in speedos and some pretty hot looking girls there as well. Looks as though the speedo runs ends at a bar…. it must be a cold walk home from the bar at the end of the night though…..
Merry Christmas everyone.
Now that’s an Xmas tradition I can get behind, as it were!
Dr. Phil,
I’m missing not having a white Xmas so maybe next year I’ll arrange to head over to the Eastern US for the Santa Speedo Run and spend Xmas with Kip in Colorado.
Actually this is the Boston Santa Speedo run…
Thanks for pointing out that it was the Boston run.
I’ll have to find out how many cities ran it – maybe next Xmas I’ll try and get more involved with it. I would love to be there for it I can tell you.
Yes, this is a tradition that started in Boston about 10 years ago and several other cities in N. America have also adopted the tradition. I attend this run in Boston and have pictures available if you like,