8 thoughts on “San Francisco

  1. Dave–

    Thanks, I guess, for the Frisco sights. You usually post EyeCandy here. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, this beholder eye’s your Frisco offering as, well, ahem, a bit of an EyeSore. Best try again! Cheers. matt

  2. Yeah it sure is a weird photo but in San Fran you can be who ever you want to be and people don’t judge others here as much as other places I’ve been.

    It is a vibe that I enjoy.


  3. Eyesore? She’s beautiful. I never feel that I’m truly in San Francisco until I see a drag queen or a leather daddy. Or a burrito. Pancho Villa, 16h Street and Valencia.

  4. Not exactly my bag here, Dave, but oh well–as we used to say in Ireland, “fair play to her!” for having the chutzpah to actually go out in public like that…I’ve not quite been that daring before, but I’ve been damn close…

    And speaking of public and speedos and such–I tried the Dave Evans Swimwear today, and it is feckin’ hawt! However, when wet, the “transparency issue” makes it fairly certain that I’ll not be wearing it at any public pools or beaches in the near future, alas–thus it will be saved for “special occasions” of particular types (and may there be many such in my future!). I also have to say, it’s great that even though I have not met you in person yet, I like many others across the world have now had the experience of having your name stamped across my ass! 😉

  5. SanF certainly is a free-wheeling atmosphere. I remember being there and experiencing the come and go as you want attitude. You can actually feel that sense of “freedom” in the air. This specimen certainly exhibits that dynamic of Frisco.

    Reply to phil– I guess having Dave’s name across your butt is what, the second best thing to having Dave on it? I’ll wait for the real thing!

  6. It’s the Bay to Breakers Race on Sunday – you should run in your speedo’s. There will be lots of costumes and the weather is looking great.

  7. obviously particular picture incites different acceptance. considering my opinion I would support
    Dave´s state because live and to let live must be the motto for all human beings living in this century.

    unimaginably to run across somebody like him here in munich. the most people here would cross oneself

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