5 thoughts on “Right hand work out

  1. Hi Dave,

    I am usually a lefty… but, every now and then I mix it up and use my right hand… being ambidextrous sometimes has its perks… hehe

  2. While I’m “full-brained” on a lot of things in my life, handedness isn’t one of them. My left hand is very bad at almost everything, and self-pleasuring is amongst that “almost everything.” I’ve tried it a few times, and…yeah, no.

    On the other hand (!?!), the left hand has proven very effective for digital sex on women, so, it must just be a lesbian or something. (!?!)

    I have not met any women who know how to give good handjobs; and, I’ve met very few males who know how to give good ones either. Many, however, have commended me on my skills, so I take that as a big compliment! 😉

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