3 thoughts on “Republican National Convention

  1. Personally I don’t think you need to be part of a group to be able to vote in the best interests of that group. That’s like saying you can’t design a speedo because you’re a woman. Ears and some smart questions can do an awfully good job of learning another persons point of view and a half decent brain can do the rest.

  2. While there’s a great deal that could be said on this topic, let’s keep it to something perhaps a bit more on theme for this blog:

    My advice to all uncircumcised guys: before you have sex (in speedos or not), make sure you Reince Preibus. 😉

  3. Dave
    remember Arthur Caldwell (Federal ALP leader before EG Whitlam)- his comment to then Vice President Richard M Nixon: the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is the same difference between two empty beer bottles.

    Still true.

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