8 thoughts on “Red speedos

  1. I vote for 1″ sides in red or white. I have been holding out in getting a pair in the hopes that you would make them with smaller sides.


  2. Do the red one and you HAVE to include the 1″ one (both white and Red).
    As soon as you get the 1″ I will order.

  3. RED is definetely the hottest colour of all. And please go for a 1″ version. That’s so hot.

  4. DEAR DAVE!!

    You know I just LOVE your speedos and wish you every succes in this enterprise.

    Regardless of colour or style, I will still invest as I’d like to see the range grow,
    which will make buying speedos more enjoyable and fun for everyone.

    Personally, I love a pale blue or deep blue. Red is very hot , followed by black.

    I’d like to see a deep blue model with amber red “DE SWIMWEAR” at the hip.

    I’d like to see a more narrow version, but not too narow.

    A purely red speedo

    Limited Edition Speedos: LIMITED issue production of unusual colours such as very pale
    greens, yellows and even pink!

    g_string speedo signed by you Mr DAVE.

    Whatever you decide, I know it will be good and know you will do something thats
    fun to wear, practical and sexual!!!

    Heres to 2007 DE SWIMWEAR!!! Cant wait……ROBBIE!

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