A week and a half ago I finally sacked up and wore my new red speedo to the pool for the first time. I think that was the first time I’ve ever worn a red speedo in public. That is weird isn’t it – I’ve worn white speedos at the beach before which are probably more naughty.
Today I was supposed to be going up the mountain with a mate but he piked so after working all morning I went for a swim. I was wearing my blue Aussiebum Portsea speedos but the first thing I saw when I walked into the pool was a guy doing some laps in a red speedo!!!
Have I started a trend or what?!?!?!
The guy was still swimming when I jumped in but I couldn’t get a lane next to him and after doing some laps he had left and I didn’t get a chance to watch him leave.
I tell you what though – can you guys guess what I’m going to be masturbating about tonight? C’mon have a guess.

Would that be…the Republican National Convention?
Oh, I was wrong? Dammit…
Ah, right, I see what the problem is…I thought I was on the Log Jammin’ Republicans blog. My bad, sorry!
Red speedos certainly are attention-attracting, not unlike red cars, which statistically get pulled over more for speeding. In your experience, do red speedos get “pulled down” more when guys stop you?
Dr. Phil,
Can you believe that if I was allowed to vote in the US I would actually be on the red side.
All I have to do is marry a cute American guy – ow darn that can’t happen while the Republicans are in power – talk about being between a rock and a hard place.
Really? That’s rather unexpected, I must admit–nothing I’d stop reading or writing to you over, certainly, but unexpected all the same.
Perhaps most especially because the Republican crowd are quite against, in addition to gay marriage, other fun things, like speedos! (Some conservative locations’ pools and other venues won’t allow tight fitting attire on males at all, and especially not anything as revealing as a speedo…they wouldn’t want unsuspecting heteros to catch the gay from looking at another guy…)
Dr. Phil,
I suppose my opinion on this is more at a fundamental level – that being I think there should be less government involvement (lower taxes, less welfare, etc). However, my social values are definitely more Democrat – I’m obviously pro gay-marriage (and the legal rights associated with that) and I’m pro-abortion amongst other things.
Don’t worry – I can’t see myself being a volunteer (or candidate) for either side anytime soon.
Now if I was elected….. Hmmm – great idea for a post.
That is what many people here call a “classic conservative,” and it’s something that a lot of Republicans attempt to say they’re still all about. It’s quite obvious that’s not the case, and it has been used to either justify gross misconduct or apathetic indifference to certain pressing matters, meanwhile using the political system to line individual’s pockets like you wouldn’t believe. But anyway, I do understand your thinking there…
So, to put it in terms more appropriate to this blog, I’d say I’d have a speedo that isn’t with 1″ sides (like the beloved Solar), but also not 4″–perhaps 2 or 2.5″ would be good– that is blue with a few red stripes on the sides, and possibly a large splash of white on there somewhere…And the color scheme is not because I’m “patriotic” and all flag-waving or anything, but because those color metaphors fit somewhat; the cut being a reflection of my general moderation on many matters. (Though, of course, I’d prefer a darker shade of blue with some nice yellow stripes and perhaps a rippled silver pattern as a matter of actual aesthetics in a custom-done speedo!)
Not only would a post on what you’d do if you were elected be interesting, but you could illustrate it with appropriate photos using speedo political metaphors! Or evaluating different hot guys politically based on what type of speedo they’re wearing! Would green guys be Greens? Would white speedo guys be pacifists? What would purple ones be (besides huge ‘mos)? The possibilities are endless…?!?
I’m still waiting to hear about your trip to the pool in the white speedos.
Hi Dave.
Red speedos are hot as… I love this pic of Kerry, He would have to be the hotest model around….