9 thoughts on “Quickie

  1. Wow…That does sound like a great date, which is all the more confusing that you didn’t get very much “feedback,” as it were, on the whole thing.

    Perhaps this seemed like a real chivalrous thing for you to do, you impressed her, and then she ended up assuming that you are, therefore, not “one of those guys” and just out for sex, etc.

    And perhaps the presence of the housemates did complicate things a bit, and so she didn’t want to initiate anything more serious because of that…

    Women: they are a mystery. (But then again, so are men an awful lot of the time…)

    I suppose you might have to observe the three-day rule now, and see if she contacts you in between now and then, and if not, you might then contact her and just see what’s up and what happened and what she thought, etc. Hmm.

    Well, full marks for effort there, Dave! I hope she does get in touch with you soon!

  2. Dave,

    You put a lot of effort into the date mate, and it sounds like it went very well, no regrets from your side.

    You remained sober and respectful, the thankyou and quick peck is a compliment.

    With her flatmates and perhaps the surprise on how well it went, she may be testing you on your re-actions. Give it a couple of days and followup as the gentlemen like you were on the date.

    She may not of had a date that went so well before.


  3. I always keep in mind one key difference between men and women.

    Women need a reason to have sex.

    Men, well we just need a place! Cheers.

  4. Hey Dave,
    Well the way I see it and I have been in the same place, you are still young and when you are young that’s the way “courting” a partner happens, sometimes one or the other person decides at some point that they are not interested or if you are compatible and over a period of time ( and there is no time limit here ) the relationship moves to the next level and so on until you get to the stage where sex, moving in together, marriage and a family is a natural progression.
    Now you on the other hand have been lucky enough to have experienced life a slightly different way…being that you are open to your’s and others sexuality and desires and have been lucky enough to have partnered up with lets say ( some amazingly free spirited and openly sexual people ) you are living the dream of allot of people, as you will no doubt realise from all your avid supporters.
    So, this girl may have only had several sexual experiences ( and remember maybe not all that open and free spirited ) she may like you allot and is so nervous that she is not sure what to do, or she may not be all that interested ?. What you have to think about is that you are probably not in this for the whole long relationship and marriage path that she may be looking for ? or are you ? it is all so confusing isn’t it, that’s what young love is all about ! it’s just one big game really until you meet the love of your life and that is that, there is no explaining it, you just know that’s who you want to be with for the rest of your life, but you just don’t know how long or how many partners it is going to take before that person comes along, and for some they never do.
    My only suggestion to you is if it feels right and you are enjoying it just let it take it’s natural progression and do what feels right, it has worked for you in the past… call her if you want and if she is not in to you well move on, what’s the worst that can happen, you will go your separate ways or you will have a great relationship, either way you will learn something new about relationships.
    I’ll stop rambling now and hope this helps in some way.
    Cheers Newy

  5. My guess is that either she’s reading this blog, which I suppose could slow up the more conventional type of young woman just a bit, or she feels like teasing you a little, and is masturbating extremely pleasurably as she recalls the sight of you in your speedos. Only not so vigorously that her housemates can hear. Or of course she could be doing both, and thoroughly getting off on the whole thing.

    So when you’re back in touch. it’ll have to be dinner at your place next time. Dave, you can rest assured that out hearts, dicks and fingers are with you at this difficult moment.

  6. Hi Dave,

    Interesting read of your experience with Laura. Is it possible that she’s aware of this website and thus your proclivity with men? Perhaps she likes you enough to let you wine and dine her, rather like a brother, but not (yet) ready for anything more serious.

    Obviously it’s time for you to find a cute guy or have a good wank and relieve the pressure…

    Cheers from Florida

  7. Don,

    Funny you mention that Don, I have been a lot more ‘open’ with people lately as to what I do for a living.

    Most of the time I just pass it off as ‘I’m in porn’ and I’ve even been happy to just say ‘Gay Porn’ to some of my str8 buddies.

    I think they know it is the truth but don’t want to ask any more – hahahaha.

    I’m pretty sure Laura doesn’t know about this blog. She txt’d me today on the mountain and we had a couple of runs and she seems happy and as friendly as ever and keen to go to the movies this week.


  8. Well, then, it sounds as if things are going well, Dave! Looking forward to reports of further developments as they occur!

  9. Dave I think Laura is playing hard to get, keep persevering. I,like you, wank every day and have been for about 9 years since I was 13, I like to think this regular exercise has something to do with the cock that I am proud of today. Next time you line up a date with Laura, it might be worth leaving the wanking for a couple of days, then if you are lucky you will be able to give her a great fuck and shoot a load which you will both remember. If you are fortunate to be in her bed all night then I guess you will be able to fuck her 3 or 4 times. If you are not lucky with her then think how amazing your wank the next day will be having missed a couple.

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