6 thoughts on “Public Masturbation

  1. Anywhere where the mood takes me, but I agree a beach is one of my favourite places, where I can simply release my thong and wank.

  2. Hell that makes me horny!I just want to run my tongue down through that hairy chest and enjoy.. I reckon the beach is ideal for pulling one off in public.

  3. Moving on from my last comment, does any one remember their first wank in company. I remember mine so clearly, it was in my last year at school, we had just finished a swimming session and were in the changing room to have a shower. There was an unwritten rule that sppedos were not to be less than 3 inch sides. Most guys were in shorts but Pete and I used to break the rule now and again and this day I wore a tight black pair with 2 inch sides and Pete was wearing a pair about 3 inches but with lace up sides and he looked hot! Anyway most of the other guys had showered and Pete saw me looking at him and I was getting quite a bulge in my speedos that he noticed and I could see that he was getting a similar problem. I stripped off and went into the shower with quite an erection by now and seeing him undoing the laces to take off his speedos made me want to cum there and then. By the time he was in the shower I was rock hard and so was he. We resisted the temptation to wank off then, otherwise we were likely to get caught and excluded, just a quick bit of handling, but agreed to meet up on the beach at the weekend to finish things off. Luckily we had left our towels near the entrance to the shower and we were able to cover our problem while we dressed. My cock did not subside for what seemed like hours and I was ablle to relieve myself several times before we met up on the beach wearing the same speedos and had a great afternoon.

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