I’ve never owned a pair of ‘print’ speedos.
I’m not really sure why but looking at these green and black print speedos I’m tempted to get a pair.
Another quiet day infront of the laptop, I went for a swim this morning. Do you guys find if you do some exercise in the morning you feel better all day? I’m just not enough of a morning person to get up at 5am everyday and do it.
Wimbledon final on tonight and I’m going to stay up and watch it (weather forecast for tomorrow is just as bad as today so another lazy day is on the cards).
I’m jealous of you guys in the northern hemisphere – I hope you guys are carrying the speedo flag for me.
Hi Dave
Is cool over here in OZ too. A swim/exercise first up always keeps me calm and energised for the rest of the day.
Speaking of exercise, time for a swim myself.
And yep, the tennis tonight should be a great match!!!
I think the ones in the photos you’ve posted (which, incidentally–NICE! I highly approve!) are of the Tyr brand, and if I’m not mistaken, I might have some…I know I’ve got some sort of golden yellow/orange and dark navy blue ones that are the same type of pattern, in any case, that I think are by Tyr.
I have some green and black patterned Speedos as well, and a variety of other prints from various brands. If one wants to go the conservative route, they’re definitely not the best choice, but some of them are just incredibly stylish and sexy, in my opinion…
Hi Dave, just discovered your blog and really enjoyed it.
Here in the Northern Hemisphere we’ve had downpours for the last week. Flash flooding forecast for today in Ireland. It’s a shame as I have a pair of blue print speedos I was hoping to wear at the beach this summer!
I got a fabulous pair of ARENA print briefs in Budapest in January that I am saving for vacation in Mykonos in September. For really sexy waterpolo suits check out http://www.turboshop.es
Hey Dave,
Have never owned a pair of the print speedos, but love the look. I love the look of your new banner. Who makes those trunks? They’re really hot and would love to own a pair.
My first pair of speedos was actually a green and black print which was very similar to the photos you posted. you really should get a pair, they look absolutely fantastic when wet and they get you just the right kind of attention.
Hi Dave. I just found your site through some meandering, as tends to happen on the web. Let me axe you a question: At what age should a guy stop wearing a Speedo-type suit? I read some kind of guideline in one of the men’s mags several years ago, and even then I was beyond it age-wise.
I was at a gay resort in Fort Lauderdale a couple years ago, and most of the guys there, even young guys, had on trunks (though to be honest, it’s clothing optional, so there was some of that, too). By the end of the stay, I decided I was that they were age-inappropriate, and left three in the trashcan in my room. (A note: I work out all the time and in pretty good shape, not to sound all full of myself or anything). I moved on to some trunks I got at a store called Parke & Ronen.
Last November, I was staying at the same place, and one of the owners is always working on the grounds or the pool area and always has a Speedo on. He is in amazing shape; I found out he is 57. So now I am beginning to rethink my ban. What does a young guy like yourself think?
Hey Dave
Nice blog. I have to echo the question from the other guy: Any idea where to get the blue and green speedos from your top banner? What brand? Are they still available?
I know you weren’t personally involved in the photo shoot (or were you, I would have like to have been!), but thought being a connoisseur, you might know.