It is after 2am in the morning here and I’ve been working since 9am this morning. During daylight hours I was going for a swim in the surf every couple of hrs so it isn’t that tough – it was a gorgeous day today.
The last thing that kept me up tonight was me updating the ‘About Me’ page on my site
I did have a few fotos of me in the members area but I’m about to add some new pics for the members so I thought I’d make the old ones public.
You can see the pics of me at
The financial support of allows me to spend time on this blog and keep it free. If you are in a position to join then your support is always appreciated (you’ll appreciate the 28hrs of movies you can download too).
xoxoxo Dave
I was excited when I saw that you were going to put pics of you on your blog, I did not expect them to be of you in the snow. I would prefer them to be of you on the beach in your speedos.