6 thoughts on “Philip Fusco

  1. Dave,

    I am glad you added another post of my brother Philip, as I said in the original post with the blue speedos he wore, Philip is absolutely stunning in every way. The great thing is he is as Beautiful inside as he is outside. Such an amazing man.


  2. Kurt,

    Wow that is amazing having a brother like that – I’m sure you are just as stunning Kurt.

    If you get a chance tell Philip he has some fans here.


  3. Dave,

    I sure will tell Philip, he is flying in to stay with me for a week so I will pull up this post and show him what a nice job you did with it. However, I will admit, I am not even close to looking as Hot as Philip but ohh well (LOL)

    I agree also Alex, Evan is Gorgeous, well worth doing an internet search on him also. Thanks guys


  4. Indeed, he is delicious! And thank you, Kurt, for giving the more personal angle on this! He has many big fans here! 😉

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