OK guys – this is an email I had to send to a guy that has been emailing me asking about the last round of updates. I never want to be a prick but I’ve emailed this guy now 4 times telling him in serious detail about the updates I’ve made.
How much is enuf???
I don’t think I lost my temper but hey – it is like $29.95 a month – it is like half a days rent for me. For the site is about 1/10 if a foto shoot.
I replied…..
Mate I like talking to you and all bud – and you have been an avid supporter of the site over the last x amount of time (I’m honestly not sure what x is but I do remember emailing you ages ago).
Mate – I will be honest with you. My life revolves around the site. I’m in my final year of uni and I declined some very lucrative jobs with some big accounting firms for 1 reason and 1 reason alone.
I love The Site
That is the 1 reason. I love working on the site. I love getting out of bed after 5hrs sleep and a terrible hang over to check that all the members are having a good time. I love, after 3 days of not sleeping because of a technical probem that I don’t understand, everything starts to work again and I get to sleep in until midday (and then go to an exam).
But most of all mate – I enjoy talking to guys who have the same passion that I have. A passion for hot guys wearing speedos. I have flown into countries and not even been able to spell the name of the country I was in (actually it was only once and it was Mauritius and I do know how to spell it now) but because my site has had members in that country I have met people that were fantastic. I don’t know a word that describes a person more than fantasic – maybe awesome, wicked, sick – in the good way but that is how I’d describe the countless people that I’ve met from The Site.
I’ve met people (in person) from;
New Zealand,
The US,
Netherlands (Amsterdam – ow yeah!!!!)
and Fiji.
When I grew up I had a speedo fetish (if that is what you can call it) and I felt alone. But now – I feel absolutely normal. No, more than normal – I feel special!!!!
Charles – thank you for your emails mate – but – I have to make a living and I hope you understand how much time I spend looking after the site. Check out the site….. see the movies list. I don’t mind emailing you once on a question, but mate….. I’ve got assignments, photoshoots, banking, bills, uploads, member emails and more to do every single day. I love talking to you mate but – enuf is enuf. Check out the movies – if you like them…. JOIN. If you don’t – don’t join.
I’m not like the huge mega gay sites run by a team of str8 people. I’m a 1 man band. If I spend 30 minutes a day (you know I’ve emailed you know at least half a dozen times) then I can’t get my other work done – ie adding movies, adding pics or interviewing models. Please Charles – one question mate.
I always answer but not too much mate. I have members at SwimmerBoyz.com that have been there for 2 years and they love the updates. They have a problem – I get back to them straight away. They have a request for my next model….. (ie – what colour speedos they want him to wear) I do it. But Charles…. you join…. then after you take the movies you want you unsubscribe. That is kewl. But don’t expect the service I give to my dedicated members.
I love speedos – I don’t know too many other webmasters who love speedos the way I do.
Please Charles – not so many emails mate – every email I get – I reply. I wanna make real replies – if you email me every day for a week I’m going to start sending BS (BullShit) which I have never sent and I hope never to send.
Mate, the movies update is awesome. Become a life time member and you will get the world. Be a tight arse and join for 7 days and rape my movies and mate I can’t give you what you want. $29.95 a month is a dollar a day. You can sponsor a kid in Africa and have the UN take the lot – or you can join The Site and have that money go to a hot Aussie Guy who wants to show off in his speedos (darn I hope I don’t get sued my the UN).
Hope to see you back Charles.
Dave Evans
Hey guys – another day infront of the computer working away so nothing all that interesting.
I am however thinking about buying a g-string. Don’t know why but last couple of days I have been thinking about it. Going to place an order on AussieBum but speedo make a speedo g-string so might look into that.
I’ll find out my options and post them up here but if anyone has any experience in that area please let me know.
Well I didn’t post yesterday because it was a huge day. Ended up going on a huge hike up one of the mountains just out of town. A guy I had met last year was heading out and some of his friends.
Hike was pretty good and I definitely need to loose some weight and get fitter (I suppose they go hand in hand). Wasn’t a huge group but there were about 10 of us – 3 were chicks and the rest guys. They were all a little older than myself and all pretty outgoing and looking forward to the coming ski season.
After the hike we drove back into town and dropped into one of the local pubs and were shooting some pool and some darts over a few beers. Having nothing (other than work on the site) to do today I was happy to stay around till late but slowly people started to drop off.
One of the couples (there were two couples – and one single chick) left and no sooner had they gone and my mate Jeff come over to the pool table and tells me that they are big time swingers!!! Everyone got into the act and was telling me how they had some open relationship going where they would each go out and pick up other people. No mention of the guy being bisexual but it sounds like she really is.
I wanted to fish for more info but nothing much came of it – very interesting though.
Ended up leaving the pub pretty late – around 2am so didn’t get up too early this morning as you can imagine. Nothing much planned for today other than some work but tomorrow night we are habing a BBQ at the other couples (not the swinging couples) place with the same crowd. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep a straight face though.
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