I’m back home guys (drove for bloody ages last night).
Will had to work early this morning so I didn’t get the welcome home reception that he received last week but I’ve got some scheming to do before he gets home this afternoon (around 2pm).
It has been months now since I had a guy fuck me and I am getting a craving for that feeling again. So this afternoon I’m going to see what I can do to get Will to do it. He is a little tentative on the idea, sucking cock and making out with another guy he can handle as being bisexual but he thinks that having anal sex makes you ‘gay’.
I’d love to hear any ideas you guys have (post a comment as I’ll check them out later today).
Here are some of my favourite anal sex photos from ‘my site‘.
Right now I’m stealing wireless net connection from someone.
I’m in a condo complex in Vancouver – boarded Whistler today which was perhaps the best I’ve ever skiied Whistler EVER.
The guys I’m staying with I met 3 years ago and they have gone a but pussy (in Austrlian we’d say they have gone to custard).
I brought these guys a tonne of liquor in exchange for looking after me and none of them are drinking at all – so I’m staying up late to do some site updates and a blog update and trying to consume as much of this grog as I can (I paid for it after all).
Obviously since everyone else is in bed I ain’t going to get any of these str8 boys drunk enuf to have some fun with.
Talk more tomorrow night when I get home guys.
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