3 thoughts on “Oral Friendly

  1. don’t have any experience with Vags. But plenty with guys.. You are correct it is more than just mouth. use your hands on shaft, balls, ass, chest. Slow down and make it
    last, build it up. Then Kapow! for a mind blowing experience. Any of those guys in the pictures above would have trouble fitting into the Arena suit.

  2. I think most of us experience oral first, before any penetration. But both can be quite personal. Oral is easier to make happen since a bed is not required.

    The middle guy in the last photo is enjoying himself, as well as his 2 buddies.

  3. Thanks Dave, now I know I am not alone with my love of oral sex!

    My favorite position is in a lust filled 69 with a guy (preferred) or gal. Interesting that you had the best head from a gal because I have found the best at oral are guys which is why I prefer guys in this position. My experience is that I have found most guys give like they receive, with both hands and mouth as you described and women don’t get it (when you can find a women willing to suck on your pee pee)….she had a good teacher!

    I am jealous of the guys on the bed in the first pic, never been fortunate to have more then one guy at at time. The third pic, with the multiple offerings makes me fantasize with images of multiple cocks being feed to me as these two lucky guys!

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