9 thoughts on “On the beach white speedo


    That’s my fantasy guy DAVE! He is the sort of guy I’d
    love to fool around with.! Just perfect in every way!
    Thanks DAVE! Any more white speedo hunks?

  2. DudE!

    I was surfing and came upon your site which litterally ROCKS! wow! I’ve never been that turned on by seeing dressed up guys (well…you get what i mean! ;)…
    I live in Mauritius, so if you want one of the best beaches in the world, you better come here,and let me know!

  3. OMG!!! Blond, tanned, smooth, great smile, and a speedo? Why didn’t someone tell me that an angel has landed on this Earth? Thanks, Dave for sharing the photo….I still have hope of meeting my angel on earth. Love your stories and photos!

  4. Dave,

    Are your pics in the Aussibums going to be as good or better than the guy you’ve shown??? Looking forward to seeing them!

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