I hope everyone had a good Easter.
Unfortunately, mine wasn’t that great. I’ve been having some server issues which meant I maybe got 8hrs sleep over the weekend. Nothing that can’t be solved and a few long days won’t hurt me.
It has effected my blog posting and I’m sorry for that. I have 3 half written blog posts which I’m looking forward to finishing (I find it best to write about my sexual experiences when I’m horny and sometimes things get out of ‘hand’ and I only get half way through writing a post).
Well I’m going to head out for a quick snowboard, my new computer arrives today and there are a few things I’m waiting on Kip to finish which will give me another 20hrs of work – woohooo!!!!
hiya the peeps in this blog are so hot u got any more of the first guy hes so hot. x
I love the hot guy in the red – he is truly a star – and I should have him just for a few hours. Are u back in N.Z or where.
Ya u r back , since it is tomorrow there, I just found your site and was hoping to meet u in Colorado sometime, but sounds like u won’t be there at all in the future. I think I will like this site and should get to know more, shouldn’t I.