3 thoughts on “Not really speedo weather

  1. Ooh–LOVE the second guy here…Blue with yellow on the sides is one of my favorite Speedo color combinations, and of course AussieBum does several fine varieties of that…

    Can we call Speedo Guy #1 Sandy? 😉 I’d be happy to help him brush it all off!

  2. Dr. Phil,

    I love that speedo on the 2nd guy as well. My first ever AussieBum looked like that but with a deeper blue.

    Unfortunately, the last time I checked AussieBum don’t sell those anymore.


  3. I know the one you mean, Dave–it was my first AussieBum as well!

    (Have we had that conversation before?)

    It’s too bad they don’t still have this one–this blue is almost my perfect shade of blue…The others are nice, but a bit dark; I prefer a shade slightly darker than that one; but in a pinch, that would do nicely! (And pinching butts also does nicely, especially if they’re dressed like that!)

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