Well I’m about to begin my long journey back to Colorado.
Today I’ll catch the train down to Sydney, spend the night with mark and then be at Sydney International at 8am on Thursday morning. Then I arrive in San Francisco early on Thursday morning (I land 1hr before I departed – the international date line thing is fun), hopefully US immigration is nice to me and I’ll be in Colorado around midday – up at Kip’s place for afternoon scotch’s and hottubs.
Total travelling time…. 48hrs (from leaving the central coast to sitting in a hottub in Breckenridge).
The trip has been smooth and it has been great that I’ve done a stack of work and had some fun with Mark in Sydney BUT I’m a little disappointed about not having more speedo time on the beach. I just suppose I’ll have to come back.
On that subject… moving here after the Colorado winter is something I am seriously considering. So much so I went and saw a real estate agent yesterday afternoon. Something for me to think about anyway.
Sounds intense.
GOD. I love that guy in the blue, the ‘speedos and cream’ guy.
Do you know anything about him?