Looks like you guys enjoyed hearing about young Tom… thanks to all the new members, I trust you are enjoying all that being a blog member entails…..
After all the fun over the weekend I have been knuckling down and doing some work, it is after 8pm as I write this. I’ve just uploaded a new speedo movie which is just fantastic!!! These two amazingly hot guys, poolside wearing these retro/funky speedos.
This movie starts off with these two guys making out which is just one of my biggest turns on’s (two guys, in speedos kissing). Then while one guy keeps his speedos on…. he starts sucking the other guy off.
Once I finish this blog post, I will be turning this HD movie on and jerking off to it since I am super hard just getting these screen shots. I’m pretty sure I won’t make it past the kissing at the beginning of the movie, it actually might take me a few days before I manage to watch it in its entirety.
If you are a blog member, swing on over and watch this movie right now.
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OK, now it is time to jerk off and then make something for dinner. Enjoy the new movie and I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow

How come your swimmer sexuality site is no longer available?
You can see it at http://www.SpeedoForum.org