Justin, standing erect over the lifeless body of Dave the swimmer jock, gets to his knees and gives dave a little smack on the face.
“Hey, Hey!, me and your ex Brooke here are going to do a little something to you.”
Dave weakly replies “Whhaaat” moaning with little energy.
“So heres how its gonna go, I am going to stick my cock into your mouth and you are going to suck me until i cum” Justin explains.
“Helll no” Dave barely makes out.
“Oh, you dont WANT to? Well its not exactly going to be a choice here unless you want me to kick your ass again in front of your smoking hot ex.”
Dave’s head rolls to one side and he happens to see Brooke bent over rummaging through a box. Staring at her jet black thong, his bulge in his skin tight blue speedo starts to grow.
“Found it!” Brooke excitingly says.
Justin smirks at Dave as Dave lays in confusion. Brooke walks back over to the two boys and begins to latch somehting to her waist. Its a strap-on dick, and by far the biggest one any of them have ever seen.
“See heres how it goes, Brooke is going to be fucking you on your hands and knees and ill be laying down in front of you so you have to bare the fucking and suck me until i cum, and if you do a good job, i might let you go after.” Justin says.
“Ughhh” Dave moans as he accepts his task knowing there isnt any other way out.
Dave climbs to his knees very slowly and weakly and gets onto all fours.
“Ah, ah ,ahh, stand up first.” Brooke commands.
Dave gets to his feet as Brooke lowers her head and pulls the drawstring of the blue speedo with her teeth and slowly pulls the last item of clothing off of Dave leaving him complelty naked. Dave gets back to his hands and knees completly naked and awaits his punishment. Justin ties Dave’s hands behind his back so he doesnt try to struggle. Brooke lathers up the strap-on dick with lube and slowly enters Dave through his rear, making him gasp in pleasure and uncomfort simultaneously. Brooke inches the dick in more and more until hte entire strap on is in Dave.
“Better get started on me Dave.” Justin smirks, laughing at the sensation on Dave’s face.
Dave lowers Justins red speedo, revealing an already hard 10 inch cock. Dave goes at it as he lowers his head rapidly on Justins cock.
“Wow, hey dont make me cum too fast”, Justin remarks with a smile on his face.
Dave continues to get rammed from behind as he races to make Jusin cum. Faster and faster he sucks justin as the thrusting from his Ex continues to increase. Daves grunts slowly turn to moans as he begins to recieve the humiliation as pleasure. Justin approaches orgasm quite fast now after a few minutes and tries to hold it in as long as he can so that itll prolong Daves punishment. Justin lets out small increasing moans as Dave approaches the finally. Closer and closer justin gets, seconds away from reaching the point of no return. Dave stops the oral pleasure and looks up at justin, tormented by the sudden stoppage right before he was going to cum.
“What the fuck!” Justin yells in sexual agony,
After a few moments dave lowers his head 3 times on Justins cock leading him to the same point as last time, then stopped again. Justin becomes more angered by the second stoppage. DAve continues to get pounded by Brooke and he smirks at Justin, tormenting him.
“Thats it!” Justin angrily chuckles.
Dave lowers his head three more times attempting to do the same thing again, however, after dave stops sucking, Justin reaches his hand around the back of Dave’s head and grabs his hair while with his other hand furiously stroking his throbbing cock until an explosion of cum launches onto Dave’s face, squirt after squirt from the amazing orgasm. Brooke pulls out of Dave and nudges him so he rolls onto his back, still tied up behind his back. Brooke removes the strap on and drops in onto daves stomach. Justin pulls his speedo back on and gets dressed in his shorts and chuckles as he puts his arm around Brooke and leaves the gym.
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Here’s mine
Khdoc news
Eh, it was not my kind of story.
The grammar ruined what otherwise might have been a decent story.