4 thoughts on “Neil Patrick Harris is gay

  1. Dave, NPH has been out for a couple of years now. He did it just before a gossip newspaper was going to out him.

  2. Can’t tell you how happy we were when we found out. I saw him in “Rent” and he was awesome. I always wondered ….

  3. I’ve always had a thing for him and when he came out.. Made that thing a little bit bigger… Wow that sounded dirty and I wasn’t going down that path..

  4. I had suspected it as early as Starship Troopers…but perhaps that’s because of the “gay hyper-intelligent psychic” stereotype…which, as much as anything, probably reflects the crowds amongst which I run! 😉

    If you have not seen Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, I would highly recommend it as well…If you like Joss Whedon’s stuff, then having NPH in it will tickle you pink (and perhaps other things as well!).

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