I mentioned last week that I was planning a naughty weekend. Turns out, it was a very very naughty weekend indeed.
The weekend was organized by a gay friend of mine in Sydney and a bunch of his friends. One of the guys has a vacation home down at Bateman’s Bay which is south of Sydney on the coast. I had never been down there and I was excited to check it out.
The house was beautiful and the coastline was beautiful as well. There was a pool but it was a bit too cold so we didn’t spend much time in it, although I wore speedos the whole time of course.
I drove down to Sydney about lunch time on Friday, had lunch in the city with my gay mate ‘S’. Then we drove south to Bateman’s Bay and the other guys joined us after work. I have known ‘S’ for years and we have never actually done anything naughty together. A few times we might have, but he had a boyfriend. I had a feeling that would change this weekend since ‘S’ was single.
There were 6 of us there for the weekend and ‘S’ and I were sharing a room. The guys who owned the house were a long time couple but the other two guys were dating but only started recently. Both nights ‘S’ and the new couple and I played.
Lets just say there was a lot of anal sex……
If I get time later today, and if you guys want me to, I’ll sit down and write about it in detail.
i choose the man on the right side of the last pic…
Do you even have to ask, Dave, or are you just playing cock/blog tease? Of course you are, you cheeky bum!
I choose the second one from the right for his cute curve.
xoxo Tiff
Okay Dave, make us all jealous of you once again…..you lucky SOB!!! Love you!