11 thoughts on “My Speedos

  1. Yes to both of the Will possibilities, please!

    I have several small suitcases and boxes full of Speedos back in storage at the moment…Really, if I have somewhere in the 150+ range, I wouldn’t be at all surprised. If only I had more occasions to wear them…Or, people to wear them for, or people to wear them with me…! 😉

  2. What would you guys say you spend on speedos and underwear? I must have $900US in aussiebums and speedos.

  3. I have around probably 400 or more suits and growing.. i would have thought u would have had alot more..

  4. A couple years ago I whittled away upwards of US$1000 on speedos, underwear, jockstraps, and so on. Have made several purchases of N2N items since, probably bringing my total spend to US$1500-$2000 (one day I’ll add up the invoices and be shocked!)

    Most of the speedos etc sit unworn for long periods of time – may be wasted money, but I enjoy them when I wear them. I’ve probably got enough underwear to last a month without washing any too. Talk about overkill!

  5. Guys,

    Of course I have more speedos – I have a box of about 100 DESwimwear in Colorado, I have some Cheeky Natures but these are the ones that are in my underwear draw right now and get worn on a weekly basis.

    Nice to know I’m not the only one who has spent a small fortune on speedos….


  6. there, there, you with all the Speedos and I don’t even own one…and I live in a beach community…ironic, isn’t it? But I love the way they hang and look on guys.

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