I’ve seen this done on a few other blogs and one of my favourite blogs to read is Ausslielicious. Its written by Brenton who is a Sydney boy. He has been writing Ausslielicious for about the same amount of time as I’ve been writing this blog and its great to know other bloggers that have been ‘around the block’ hahaha.
Over the last 2 weeks I’ve been advertising some of my sites on Brenton’s blog and it has worked out fantastic – so since I enjoy reading his blog and Brenton has helped me out I thought I’d email him and interview him…. Brenton was happy to send me a foto of himself – darn I wish this interview was in person, and in speedos.
This is my first time and I thought I’d try and be tough with the questions….     Â
Have you worn speedos in the last 12 months?
Yes I have, usually not on the beach though. For swimming at the pool and on patrol at the beach as a lifesaver, but when I’m relaxing I prefer nude beaches.
I had to get that question out of the way first up.
Are you attached?
Not at the moment
What do you think about ‘open relationships’?
I am all for couples finding what works for them but I do wonder just how committed they really are. Monogamy is the way to go for me.
Have you ever cheated on a ‘boyfriend’, if so gimme the details – haha?
No I haven’t. I cheated with the last girl I dated but that was when i was working out my sexuality and it was with a guy.
Do you think us gay guys can have a strictly monogamous relationship?Â
I know of successful gay couples that have made monogamy work. It’s rare but that’s what I aspire to.
Those questions have been a pretty big part of my life over the last 6 months and I’m keen to hear other peoples ideas on it. I’ll change the topic now.
What celeb would you like to see in speedos?
Probably Jake Gyllenhall
If you took a guy home from a club one night and found a pair of speedos under his jeans what would be your first thought?
Interesting but I’m a naked for sex kinda guy. They’d be off pretty fast.
What is your favourite speedo colour?
I love my aussiebum ice blue 1.5 inch sides.
What is your fondest speedo memory (apart from reading my blog of course – haha)?
It’s hard to say. I grew up swimming every day so while it was probably subconsciously, all those big broad shouldered fit guys in speedos probably helped define my taste in men today.
I suppose I’ve asked you enuf speedo questions. So tell me a little about Ausslielicious.
What made you start your blog back in September 2005?
I started it initially to keep my friends overseas informed of what I was up to. Now most of them can’t read it at work anyway.
I was doing some research today and found out that you have over 10,000 readers PER DAY. How do you maintain a normal life now that you are a blogging superstar?
I think I’m averaging 6,500 hits per day at the moment. IT was up around 7,500 a few months back. I don’t think I’m a superstar, we’ll leave that to Perez. I’m stunned and flattered that people come back every day. I’ve also been recognised while naked on the beach which is bizarre.
Has your blog changed in what you write about?
It has, from day to day general activities to broader concepts about sexuality and human nature and the inclusion of the public nudity challenge nearly two years ago really kicked it into high gear as far as readership numbers is concerned.
Thanks for taking the time out Brenton – be sure to drop by and check out his blog, Ausslielicious, if you get a chance.     Â
thanks for the web/blog site it is fantastic, love guys in speedos – in or out, It was a great interview with Brenton, another cool guy with also a great web/blog site. I am looking forward to your pictures and story on your hike in the south island of NZ. Hope the weather is good and we all get to see fantastic pics of the scenery as well as you in some speedos, but you do look fantastic in the best ‘Aussiebums’ we both like the same colour.
keep up the great work
I can’t believe how hot that photo of Brenton in his speedos is. Amazing.