6 thoughts on “My Favourite Speedo Photos

  1. No Dave, you shouldn’t start spelling Favourite without the “U”. It’s incorrect grammar to do something to placate others based on how you were educated.

    Sydney Harbour will never be Sydney Harbor.

    Enough said. Now back to the Speedo’s!

  2. Dave, the “meat” being exposed in pix 5 sure looks more tempting than the “american meat” you had posted on 12/1. I’ll take a double order please.

  3. It’s interesting, Dave, to know which ones are your favorites. (And, spell it as you were taught–dialects are cool!) I wouldn’t say any of these are my favorites, but a few of them are nice…

  4. Dave,
    Since you are in San Fran, you should sign up for the “Santa Skivvies Run” sponsored by the San Francisco Aids Foundation. It features runners wearing nothing but red underwear or speedos. It will be next, Sunday, Dec 11, and begins and ends at club Lookout on Market with the run going through the Castro. Check it out at http://www.sfaf.org!

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