5 thoughts on “My AussieBums

  1. I’m going to guess #3.

    #2 seems similar to your beloved Portseas, if I am remembering my first-generation AussieBums correctly, and so I’d think that would appeal to you more than the final one…

  2. Dr. Phil,

    Sorry mate wrong again – I have the top and the bottom speedo. The bottom one is the AussieBum Club Bronco.

    I think when I bought those (I don’t have them anymore either) they were at least a size too small – which isn’t always a bad thing.


  3. Alas and alack! Foiled again! 🙁

    While I can certainly understand how one might lose track of certain items in multiple intercontinental/international moves, I have yet to lose a speedo of any description–many are so expensive and such “investments” (as it were!) that I treasure them highly. AussieBums are not the most expensive ones I own, but they are certainly up there in many respects. I’ve given away a good bit of my ample undies collection on previous occasions, but I have yet to lose a speedo willingly…

    (Now that’s an odd statement…?!? “I’ll fight you for your speedo” sounds like it might be an enjoyable activity to attempt at some stage…)

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