13 thoughts on “My 1,000th post

  1. Many congratulations! I hope to see the majority of your next 1,000 posts, and many thousands beyond! Thank you for doing such an excellent job on this and your other sites!

  2. Congrats. I have not been following your site for long, have we ever seen pics of Dave. Is it you lying on the beach on your home page or you standing looking as if you are about to remove your speedos. I would love to see pics of you with or without your speedos on. I like you, are a speedo fan and easily get a hardon when putting them on, especially brief tight fitting pairs, although I don’t wear them all the time. I prefer a tiny g-string under my jeans, when I remove my jeans in front of a possible sexual partner showing my bulging packet tanned and fully shaved, he will have a full erection in about a minute. Come on Dave lets see you.

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  4. Well done and thanks – we’ve really appreciated it.

    I don’t know of any other regular account of the thrills and frustrations of male bisexual life that rings so true, and doubtless you’ve become a role model to many…

  5. hi dave,
    congratulations!! and sorry to hear you are leaving our fair shores. come back soon and keep up the excellent work you do in keeping us “straight up”

  6. I, too, have enjoyed your blog, Dave. Your thoughts on everything (not to mention Speedos and the accompanying reactions in we “special” males) always seem to hit true. I for one hope not only to see you in YOUR Speedos, but to wear some if and when I make it to your part of the world (hopefully next year?)

    I’ll need a tour guide … ::: SMIRKS :::

  7. Hey Dave –

    Thanks for the blog. I found it about 6 months ago. And have checked it every few days since.

  8. Hello Dave,
    I first found out about your site from a link on Brandon’s site, Aussielicious. Congratulations on the milestone and I wish you continued success. I enjoy reading about your travels and look forward to reading about more of your adventures. Perhaps you’ll make it back to the States again. I live up in Boston – let me know if you ever come this way and I’ll buy you a pint.


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