5 thoughts on “Most Popular Speedo Photos

  1. The first pic is my favourite, but your photo of the day, the guy lying on the beach in what looks like a see thru speedos and only his arse half covered is great,I saw it last time you had it and I still have to relieve my self when I look at it.

  2. Dave,

    Of the top 5 photos, 1, 3 & 4 seem to look like they could lead to sex, so those are hot. Thanks.

  3. The first pic is great, I would like a pair but the thought of putting them on gives me a hard on. What happens to a 7 incher if you are wearing a pair, does the material stretch that far!

  4. While I’m not in the minority in liking #1 and #5, I also like #2…and, of the two remaining, I like #4 better than #5. What can I say? I do like some “mystery” for my own personal titillation…

    As far as your question, Will: the material probably wouldn’t stretch that far, I don’t think, so you’d probably end up either sticking out the top or pointing down severely, depending…while I believe that is a Cocksox suit, the Joe Snyder ones are rather similar, and I have one of the latter. But, you never know…give it a try! Or, better yet, let one of us come over and help you out with it! 😉

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