6 thoughts on “More Stuff for Members

  1. Martin,

    Kip is Colorado born and bred – not many Colorado natives up here at all – he was born down in Colorado Springs and has been living up in Breck since he finished college.

    While I have embrassed American Football (go the Broncos) Kip hasn’t had the chance to embrass cricket or rugby. I’m sure if he gets the chance to live with me downunder he’ll get into it though.


  2. you’re such a tease. you often say you’ll post more about your escapades later or on another one of your websites yet you never do. are you just lazy or want to keep us coming back for something (only to never find it)?

  3. Right Said Fred,

    I’m just too sexy mate – hahahaha.

    I post a lot, probably too much, on this blog. This blog doesn’t pay my rent, it is folks that join my site SwimmerBoyz.com that pays my rent so I hope you don’t blame me too much for keeping some of the ‘goodies’ for those guys.

    Why not join the fun – it is a whole $4.95 – you might just like it.


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