After a crazy last weekend I have knuckled down and gotten stuck into some work. Yesterday Kip and I didn’t even leave the house, we just worked all day and I even put the cricket on (Australia v Sri Lanka at the SCG) about 5pm which was nice.
Kip and I have been talking about how to improve the members sites like and we went and joined a bunch of other sites. To be honest, I was a little disappointed compared to New members, trial members, have access to all the movies on my site but the other sites restricted that a lot which was a shame.
One thing Kip and I feel we need to work on is more updates. I do have a bunch of movies (like 30 hours of HD movies) that I have sitting around (not all speedo related but all hot 18yo – 25yo guys). So that is what I’m working on now – our plan is to add 2 full scenes of HD movies each week to keep the site fresher. This will be on top of the usual updates which tend to be sporatic – I’ll add 10hrs of movies on the first of the month and then not get a chance to update again for a few weeks.
I know you guys have been great supporters of, I really appreciate it and if you have any ideas/feedback I’d love to hear it. And if you join for a month or longer, I’m still sending out free DE Swimwear.
PS – Since the ‘Speedo Party’ ended up in me bringing out my str8 side I’m going to write about that later this afternoon and I’ll post it over on – not what a lot of you guys want to read about so I’ll keep it over there.
I want trade link with you. This is my blog Another Gay Porn Site
Answer me please
Thank you!
How about you shoot me an email mate and then I’ll reply.
I’m just wondering: is Kip Australian or a cricket fan?
Kip is Colorado born and bred – not many Colorado natives up here at all – he was born down in Colorado Springs and has been living up in Breck since he finished college.
While I have embrassed American Football (go the Broncos) Kip hasn’t had the chance to embrass cricket or rugby. I’m sure if he gets the chance to live with me downunder he’ll get into it though.
you’re such a tease. you often say you’ll post more about your escapades later or on another one of your websites yet you never do. are you just lazy or want to keep us coming back for something (only to never find it)?
Right Said Fred,
I’m just too sexy mate – hahahaha.
I post a lot, probably too much, on this blog. This blog doesn’t pay my rent, it is folks that join my site that pays my rent so I hope you don’t blame me too much for keeping some of the ‘goodies’ for those guys.
Why not join the fun – it is a whole $4.95 – you might just like it.