6 thoughts on “More Speedo Photos

  1. OMG, I could eat each one of these men, and then some. WHat at great selection.


  2. Fantastic array here, Dave!

    So, here’s my questions about each one:

    #1: What’s French boy doing with his other hand (and is that why he’s smiling?)?
    #2 and #3: Oooh…nothing to say there!
    #4: What does the “A” stand for?
    #5: Can I help him with his adjustments? He appears to need it…!?!

    These are rhetorical, of course…If I were there, as these things were happening, I might use these as my chat-up lines. And I’d probably leave with a black eye…

  3. Vive la France!

    That said, I love garlic mashes potatoes 🙂 Can’t say the same for porc though – I don’t like porc. And it’s called porc where I live, not pork, which is also quite odd.

  4. I really like the “A” suit in the 4th pic. The cutie in it is pretty hot, too. Looks to be an american, as here! on the wristband promotes the american GLBT cable TV network. Any one know what club or group has the “A” logo on their speedos?

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