3 thoughts on “More Aussie Speedo Companies

  1. Dave, I agree the white section on the Twink swim suit does make it look like underwear…but if everyone wearing them look like the guy in the photos, that would be different. I think they are perfect on him. All one color looks better for that swim suit.

  2. I have honestly not counted in years…which means I must have well over 100, if not close to or over 200 potentially. I’ve only been collecting them since 2001, really (I had maybe one before that), and I rarely get a chance to wear them around others, but oh well. Fetishes have this way of pleasing oneself even if others cannot enjoy the benefits of them, I suppose.

    I think the 2wink ones above are rather underwear-esque…but, sometimes that can be a good thing. There’s a lot of modern underwear that I think would be better as swimwear, and the reverse can be true as well. Some brands market their products to be both potentially depending on one’s tastes.

  3. Maybe they’d appreciate your comments, Dave? They’ve not been doing swimwear long, as most of their products have been underwear. Mind you, their older products were better than their newer underwear in my view…

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