3 thoughts on “Mondays Speedo Colour is….. two colours

  1. Hot photos Dave! What if next week were Speedo Twins of the week? Do you have any twins?

    And I don’t think we have had “Speedos in Unusual Location” of the week either.

    I’ve been digging those chicks in speedos photos you have been posting – do you have chicks in speedos (as in the guys suit) too? I’ve seen at least one photo of that and it was super hot, though maybe better for one of your other blogs? Just make sure you make mention of it here when you make the post so I see it 😀

  2. And Dave, what about some pics of normal guys in speedos? Like, guys without abs, for a change? (Not as something regular, the eye candy is way tooooooo hot to miss, but just to mix it up a little)

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