I can’t believe that I’ve missed 4 days blogging – I hope you guys forgive me – hahaha.
Actually last week I had my 1,750th blog post – I suppose as long as I don’t miss posting for 4 days I should be able to get to 2,000 posts by the end of the year.
This weekend was a big one and just rolled from one party/socializing event to another. It has been bitterly cold so not much time on the snowboard but there was some football on (bugger about the Denver Broncos loosing).
No guy/guy action but there were girls about. I’ll write more about that on my BisexualDave.com blog although nothing much to report on that front.
I should be starting to plan my return to Aussie, original idea/plan was to head back around Feb 1st after the Xmas school holidays but I’m kinda having too much fun here and looking forward to us getting some snow – it hasn’t snowed really since Xmas here.
I’ve got some great new photo sets that I’m adding to my site SwimmerBoyz.com which I’ll share some of them with you guys tomorrow but in the mean time here is a fake photo of Justin Beiber – I like the speedo and the rope work but I’d prefer a Hugh Jackman or Eric Bana….. but I suppose with those guys, I’d be the one tied up…. bugger.
Just checking to see if I can actually respond to your posts as I had to create a new profile.
It seems I can submit on this site but not on swimmersexuality even though I registered there and you accepted the registration. What do I have todo now?
This guy is nothing to get excited about unless you’re a immature female teenager
Too bad it’s not actually him…and someone isn’t there doing really horrible work on him with candlewax and water-sports (of the “non-water-skiing-and-surfing” sort)…That would be something to see!
Handy – shoot me an email mate – address is on the right. I don’t quite understand the problem you are having.
Spear – I kinda agree with you mate. I’ve seen the original pic and it is a 24yo Asian guy but looks weird with a white guys head.
Dr. Phil – sounds like you are horny for a Tuesday night – hahaha.
I registered and received a notification that there would be a follow-up acceptance which never arrived.
Tried using e-mail on right and it was rejected by my PC. Guess I will just have to hold my comments to myself.
Thanks anyway.
oi tudo bem sexo gay sim lucas