7 thoughts on “Beiber Tied Up in a Speedo

  1. Just checking to see if I can actually respond to your posts as I had to create a new profile.

  2. It seems I can submit on this site but not on swimmersexuality even though I registered there and you accepted the registration. What do I have todo now?

  3. Too bad it’s not actually him…and someone isn’t there doing really horrible work on him with candlewax and water-sports (of the “non-water-skiing-and-surfing” sort)…That would be something to see! 😉

  4. Handy – shoot me an email mate – address is on the right. I don’t quite understand the problem you are having.

    Spear – I kinda agree with you mate. I’ve seen the original pic and it is a 24yo Asian guy but looks weird with a white guys head.

    Dr. Phil – sounds like you are horny for a Tuesday night – hahaha.


  5. I registered and received a notification that there would be a follow-up acceptance which never arrived.
    Tried using e-mail on right and it was rejected by my PC. Guess I will just have to hold my comments to myself. 🙂
    Thanks anyway.

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